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IRSOL and Specola Solare Ticinese organize several outreach activities. For more information visit the page of Centro Astronomico del Locarnese (in italian).

Open Day on 25 May 2024

The Sun is the almost exclusive energy source for life on Earth and for human civilisation. It conditions the climate of our planet. It is a natural laboratory. It is also the closest star and therefore easiest to study. Since antiquity, many civilisations have deified the Sun.

Today, 400 years after the start of the scientific revolution, the Sun is one of the most fascinating natural objects for scientists. Canton Ticino hosts two research centres dedicated to our star: the Istituto Ricerche Solari Aldo e Cele Daccò (IRSOL) and the Specola Solare Ticinese.

The Open Day offers the public the opportunity to understand how the solar cycle is studied at the Specola, in a line of research born in Switzerland 170 years ago, and how the Sun's magnetic fields are investigated at the IRSOL using state-of-the-art instruments.

All information


An interactive exhibition on our star at the Ideatorio in Cadro


Press review

Settembre/Ottobre – September/Oktober 2023, Scrutare gli umori del Sole – Die Stimmungen del Sonne unter di Lupe nehmen, Ferien Journal

06.03.2023 – Nuovi strumenti per studiare il campo magnetico del Sole, USI Notizie

22.12.2022 – Previsioni dalla superficie del Sole, la Regione

19.10.2022 – Irsol Locarno, un seminario per omaggiare Michele Bianda, la Regione

05.07.2022 – L’astrophysicienne Svetlana Berdyugina a les yeux dirigés vers le Soleil, à Locarno, Le Temps

16.05.2022 – Locarno, una nuova direttrice per l’Irsol, la Regione

15.04.2022.2022 – L’Irsol cambia nome per ricordare Aldo e Cele Daccò, la Regione

2021 - Un istituto universitario sulla collina – Ein Universitätsinstitut am Locarneser Hang, Orselina 2021, XXVI Edizione